1. ASK FOR HELP through your Divorce! I am here to help you!!
2. Invest in yourself
3. Talk, talk, and talk.
4. Do not blame yourself, try to seek understanding
5. Be honest
6. Be authentic
7. Leave environments that make you feel bad about yourself
8. Allow yourself time to heal
9. Get down to basics – S.E.E.D.S – Shower, Eat, Exercise, Drink (H2O), Sleep
10. Listen to your voice and what YOU need
11. Understand the difference between Thinking, Feeling, and Acting (Think, Feel, but don’t Act without careful thought and good advice)
12. Feel your feelings
13. Realize what truly matters and what simply, does not
14. Design a PLAN (Call me – I can help)
15. Appreciate what you DO have
16. Take time for yourself
17. Be kind and forgiving of yourself
18. Embrace the idea of Persistence
19. Choose Self-Respect
20. Find something inspirational and display it (Story, Art, Quote)
21. If there are things that must be done – do the most difficult first
22. Cry
23. Have faith and trust in the process – this is a journey
24. Be safe
25. Progress not Perfection
26. Make better choices, they don’t need to be perfect choices
27. Take responsibility for yourself and your path
28. Do the right thing – Live with integrity
29. Say NO
30. Say YES to activities that support and respect you
31. Focus on the NOW
32. Do the work (Actions first, the feelings will follow)
33. Allow yourself to go fetal for a day (but only a day)
34. Understand that new habits and ways of thinking take time
35. Practice, Practice, Practice
36. When in doubt, don’t
37. Work on new tapes (those voices in your head) and ways of thinking about yourself
38. Imagine something better for yourself (yes, you are worthy)
39. Have compassion for others (look outside yourself – volunteer)
40. Remember: Falling down is part of Life, but getting back up is Living!
41. Take up a new hobby (a close friend of mine took up Hang Gliding during his Divorce)
42. Make a list of your choices (I can help you with that – contact me)
43. Take a class in something you know little about
44. Find a photograph of yourself when you felt happy and self-empowered
45. Kick, scream, and throw a tantrum like a 3 year old (in private)!
46. Realize that you are not alone and that there are resources available to you (I can help)
47. Be still
48. Go to a playground and play (swing for hours)
49. Embrace the idea that you are strong, capable, have value, and that you will get through this
50. # 1 most important. ASK FOR HELP. I’M HERE TO HELP YOU.
Call me 203-560-2501
Divorce Mediation, Divorce Coaching, Divorce Support, Life Coaching and Help in Healing (Grief, Pain, Loss)
Empathy, understanding, and support in mediation
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